Yeehaw 3D Printer Issues

I purchased a Yeehaw 3D Printer a couple years ago from Indiegogo and just got around to opening it. It appears that the company has shut down the Yeehaw app, website, and support email so I am unable to do anything with the printer except for plug it in. Is there a way I can use this software to be able to use it? I cannot even gain access to the unit in order to set up its network capabilities. Please help if you can! Thank You!!!

Hello. Could you please fill in printer integration form

While connecting it with my ios it suddenly popped up with an iphone error 4005 and did not allow me to set up network printing. Why did this happen ???

Could you please elaborate your issue a bit more?

I also purchased a Yeehaw 3D Printer few days back,but something strange happen when I try to open this,When I go to Norton Technical Support team for help, they told me that I have face some serious virus affect and they try to made fix it.

It’s been a few months since I filled out this form and haven’t heard anything back from you guys if you were able to add this printer to your database or not. Any updates would be helpful. Thank you.

I have the same issue
This Chinese printer has no onboard ports. It just connects via app over Wi-Fi. The company has done a cash grab and then shut down with no support left at all and an broken app that is the only way to communicate with it. There was no windows app just ios/android and both are cactus

We try to do everything we can, but we do have a lot of priorities. Our developers will look at this, when possible and determine if we can integrate it.

Thank you, I really appreciate it!

any updates for this?
I brought used one.

So i traded for 2 of these.
Gonna drop some info and thoughts i have on these
Took the top off to find an sd card and sd port, no usb port unfortunately

There was a bunch of octoprint stuff on the card, havent really gone through it yet

These printers put out their own wifi hotspot to connect to, going to try a few apps and see if i can get anything to connect

If anybody else has figured anything else out that would be great

My software/code skills are as good as a google search, lol, so will be a slow process, will update back when i have anything new

worst case scenario is to buy a new motherboard and load up custom marlin/repeteir host firmware for delta printers, but that is a battle in its own rights

mate go for a new one ( go with brand) like Crealityender 3 v2 and s1 !!!

I bought this Yeehaw 3D Printer as a replacement for my trusty old Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus which I inadvertantly killed during routine maintenance.
At first I was a bit apprehensive about buying a new 3d printer, however this model had good reviews so I decided to take a chance, and I must say I have no regrets whatsoever.
I have tested it using both PLA and TPU filament and both worked fantastically well, flexible filaments such as TPU can be a bit tricky to work with but this printer handled it with ease, pint quality was excellent with both materials.