Virtual Printer support for MB5thReplicatorPLUS

I would like to be able to queue MB5thReplicatorPLUS sliced files to a Virtual Printer. I currently maintain an offline Replicator+, forever connecting to a non functioning IP, to handle this queue management.

Hello. I am not sure that I correctly understand what do you mean.

You can add Replicator+ printer in 3dprinteros client with new IP address. What is a problem to do it? You can queue jobs for offline printer too.

If you need to use some printer where you can to queue, then you can add industrial printer (part of virtual queue feature; page -> +MORE -> ADD INDUSTRIAL PRINTER/CNC, Select some printer type - you can use Replicator+ type too, set printers name)

Thank you, this is the solution I was seeking. I was confused as I thought I could only add a printer through the client application, not the web interface.