Prusa mkII not recognized on the raspberry

Has anyone had luck getting getting the new Prusa MKII to even be seen via the raspberry setup?

Hey, please provide VID and PID of the USB device. Also please specify “not recognized” - no printer type? USB not detected?


As far as 3DprinterOS is concerned, there is nothing connected. When I connect it through the laptop, I get via the com device VID_2C99 PID_0001. On the printer hardware itself, I don’t see anything under the device ID other than the Prusa MK2 printer.

these numbers work, have you filled in the 3d printer integration form? we can add this printer
here is the form:

I can verify this, just connected it, nothing happens in 3DprinterOS, looking at the Raspberry the USB is connected, i have filled in the form!

The Prusa i3 MKII profile has been added to the system!