Does anyone know how to get past the time issues on a raspberry pi? I have installed a fresh new image with the latest stable version 7.4.4 but every time I boot the image I must manually set the correct time before 3dprinteros starts working…
Also on the old version I was able to rotate the camera image, anyone have any idea how to accomplish that?
We are preparing a new completely updated image for a release.
It is still in testing, but also it got a time sync system configuratino re-done from scratch.
If you are willing to try a pre-released image, here is a download link:
login: printeros
password: printeros
No preconfigured wifi, but you can set it yourself using ssh over ethernet, like this:
We would appreciated any feedback.
Camera rotation should work fine, since it is a 100% web.
An image could not affect this.
I’m humbly asking you to done a re-check.
Also on the old version I was able to rotate the camera image, anyone have any idea how to accomplish that?
There is an icon in Live View Popup (right bottom) at the same place as it was in OldUI.
Do you have any problems with camera rotation?
Thank you very much, forgot where to do that, with the screenshot I managed to get it rotated.
I can and will try it, but is there any way to assign the new installation to an existing printer? Or do I have multiple inactive printers in my account with every new installation? (to keep the history)
Hello, You will need to have the same printer after new installation. It will be new if you will use another RPI.
thank you very much, I have flashed the image and it boots perfectly.
I indeed upgraded my pi 2 to an pi 3 with the last software update.
If I run into any troubles I will let you know.