I have taken home two Prusa MK3s from our digi lab since we have moved to fully remote teaching. The Prusas are connected to 3D Printer OS by raspberry pi. We have never had any problems with connecting them and using them with our students.
Now that I have brought them home I have changed the IP address by connecting them to my wifi. The printers are connected because I can view the pi cameras but it says that they are offline or they both sway between ‘error’ and ‘connecting’. Also the printers keep refreshing themselves every 3-5 minutes I believe because they are constantly reconnecting to the cloud.
I have checked everything from the outlets to using new raspberry pi’s and flashing new raspi images, it’s the same results.
Has anyone else had a similar problem or can help me figure out what I’m missing.
I am teaching a summer class and plan on having the kids send their creations to the printers and give them to them once school is back.