3DPrinterOS - Version 5.6.1 Available Now (With Change Logs)

Greetings 3DPrinterOS Community,

The latest version of our cloud client is now available for download and it’s our best build yet!

If you have not done so already, navigate to the [Printers Tab][1] and click the Download button for the latest release version 5.6.1.

Here are the change logs for our past few releases:

3DPrinterOS release notes


Printer type selection on client side
Workgroups functionality fully implemented
Fix of bug of blocking interface update on connection fail
Web interface writing pages and style reading back-end refactored
Fix of bug of Z axis stroke on print start
Fix of crash on app start - ssl error
Reporting of printer connection problems occurred before ready (idle) state


Core of the system is reworked, everything much smoother, faster and cleaner
New completely reworked error reporting system
New WebUI with ajax updating - 15 times faster


Fix bug of RightsCheckerWaiter crush

Happy Printing!
[1]: https://cloud.3dprinteros.com/printing/


Is there a changelog for the minor versions aswell somewhere? Would be nice to see if the update is actually worth the 1h it takes (for Pi)

Hey Rain,

Change logs posted above!

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