Raspberry Pi Camera Support - Experimental

We have received many requests over the past few months asking for support of the Raspberry Pi Camera. We are happy to announce that support for the Raspberry Pi camera is now live on 3DPrinterOS and is ready for testing! :smiley:

Please be aware that we consider this functionality to be EXPERIMENTAL. We encourage all users who are interested to try it out and provide us with any and all feedback!

Please reply here or contact me directly at charles@3dprinteros.com if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We look forward to hearing what you think!

Happy Printing!


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I will be trying this right away!

Is there more information regarding the procedure for enabling this experimental option?

Which option do you choose for the raspberry pi camera, or is there something specific to do to enable the camera

Hi, this was released for a limited number of users, we are going to release this soon for everyone, please stay tuned.

Hey, Raspberry Pi camera support was just recently released in the latest 3DPrinterOS cloud client version 5.9.12. Give it a try and tell me how you like it. Here is the install guide:

  1. Enable the camera in RPi, and reboot
    sudo raspi-config

  2. Install picamera module
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python-picamera

  3. in printer settings select Raspberry Pi camera type at cloud.3dprinteros.com printers page, wait for 5-10 seconds to show up, then select the camera avatar

As soon as I have the printers not running, I’ll try this. Thanks. Dumb question, but since my Pi is running without any monitor, keyboard, etc. Would I have to remote log into it to run the sudo commands?

What is the login and password to SSH into the Pi with 3dprinteros installed?

Got it working! Thanks for the update!

Hey, you get the login and password together with Raspberry Pi download link over email when you click generate image for Raspberry Pi.