What printers should we add next?

My vote goes to MendelMax 3
I have Megatronics 2.0 board, running Marlin 1.0.5

Will you add support for the Zortrax m200?

We will be adding this in the future.

How about the Atom 2.0 or the 3DP-1000. We will be adding these to our selection of printers here.

Would be really nice if you guys could get the Hyvision Cubicon Single working.

Support for Craftbot Plus would be great. Although it does not have Marlin based firmware it adheres to standard G and M codes and been integrated succesfully with Octoprint and Astroprint already.

this printer is integrated now

this printer is integrated now

The Dagoma Discovery 200 works with the Generic MArlin profile but it would be nice if you can integrate it directly. I have filled the integration form with its parameters

Just curious, the integration form asks if we have the “skills” necessary to add the integration ourselves. What skills are necessary to add integration? I can guarantee I don’t have them but if I knew what you needed I might be able to learn.

Head jog for makerbot rep 2

Any possibility of adding the Colido 2.0+ ? Thanks

Would be nice to see support for m3d micro, have read a lot about this 3d printer since I live in sweden, bought one last week, looking forward to set up my new 3D-printer ans start printing! :slightly_smiling:

Hey, please fill in the 3d pritner integration form: https://docs.google.com/a/3dprinteros.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyMjxVHj5RXLpbFsJZHwWcu-LVnuc-M9_eppQfZJmRpYNWgA/viewform

Qidi Xplus!! https://www.qd3dprinter.com/


Can you either a custom option?

It would be good if the Sovol Sv01 02 and 03 can be added.